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Apr 3, 2020

The one thing I know I had to do during the MCO was to buy a domain and register it with my website. YES, it’s the website I’ve worked on forever with lots of mistakes. It was intended to be some sort of a catalog but I never really put in the effort I should have.

I came to a decision that if I wanted to progress I have to take that ‘leap’. A website is a leap  for me as I take super tiny steps. I always worry if I can‘t cope if it gets too much. Then I think about it, this is how I’m going to be if I keep doing what I’m doing. I would like  to be ’more’ if I can. Soooo, I decided to ask for help and bought the domain.

I was so excited to get the domain I wanted BUT it’s been a week and there’s some connection and registration issues. I had to Google words such pointing, nameservers etc. I’m not IT savvy at all so Alhamdullilah I have my sister and brother in law helping me. I‘ve left that with them so I can focus on updating the products. That’s what I’ve been doing. Basically my day consists of

- making breakfast

- housecleaning

- Just Mar’s

- lunch

- Just Mar’s

- 5pm is TV time for Covid updates.

- 6pm I try to do yoga with the girls. The key word is TRY.

- night is sewing time.

I needed that schedule for me and the kids or we’ll be wasting our day away. Time does go by really fast and it’s good to have some family time. I’m thinking all I have to do is stay home and be safe.

When I watch TV its rather scary to see what is happening out there. The number of cases and deaths everyday should make us realise how blessed we are. I can only imagine the grief and sadness that is happening out there. May Allah ease their journey. For me, I’m doing my part by staying home. I pray this will all end soon.

I’m  going to make the most of my time home . Get my website up to par and praying really hard that my domain will be registered soon.

Take care and be safe everyone .

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